Basic Badminton ~ Techniques Definition Method History

Basic Badminton ~ Techniques Definition Method History

10 min readJul 17, 2020

Badminton is one type of sport that has many enthusiasts spread all over the world. The sport that makes rackets and shuttlecocks the two main pieces of equipment in this game can be played by two people in a single game or four people (2 pairs) in a double game. Badminton has 5 types of matches, namely men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles.
Understanding and History of Badminton

Literally, badminton comes from two words namely badminton and badminton. The word “feather” is taken from the shape of a shuttlecock made of goose feather. While the word “deft” is taken from the basic word parry, where the core movement of the game is to fend off the movement of the shuttlecock (fur).

Various opinions arise regarding the origin and origin of the game of badminton. The first opinion says that this game originated and developed in ancient Egypt 2000 years ago. The subsequent opinion said that this game originated from India and mainland China. But the development of this game until it was widely known by the world community was in the Middle Ages in England, namely from a traditional local children’s game called Battledore and Shuttlecocks . This traditional game was very popular among the people until finally a magazine called “Punch” published this game.
Basic Badminton Techniques

A professional badminton player at the local, national and international level at the beginning of his career must undergo and pass a period of training and coaching first. It aims to prepare and equip these players with a variety of knowledge that they must know and master until finally it is deemed appropriate to jump into the playing field by the coach or agency that fostered them. In this training and coaching period players are given theoretical knowledge and also practice to be able to play correctly in accordance with the rules of badminton games.

In the game of badminton there are some basic techniques that must be mastered as basic capital or initial capital to become a professional badminton player. The basic techniques in the game of badminton, are as follows:
1. How to Hold a Racket (Grip)

The most basic technique of playing badminton is how to hold a racket. This is the main factor that most influences the quality of the punch produced. A beginner who learns to play badminton must really master this basic technique first in order to proceed to the next basic technique of playing badminton. The way to hold this racket consists of 2 types of techniques, which are as follows:

Forehand technique
The way to hold a racket with the forehand technique can be done using the right or left hand. The details of the methods are as follows:

The position of the racket head sideways
hold the racket just like when we shake hands with other people
between the thumb and index finger there is a distance shaped like the letter
the other fingers (pinkie, ring finger, middle finger) grip the racket
Backhand technique
Similar to the forehand technique, how to hold a racket with this backhand technique can also be done with the right or left hand. Basically the way to hold the racket with the backhand technique is the same as the forehand technique, there is only a slight difference, namely the position of the thumb and index finger closer. The details of the methods are as follows:

the position of the racket head sideways
thumb position slightly apart from the other four fingers
four fingers (index finger, middle finger, ring finger and pinkie) hold the racket
2. Punch

Punch type commonly used in the game of badminton or badminton is the forehand technique. The blow using the forehand technique is done by swinging the body from behind moving towards the front of the racket, where the position of the palm of the hand is facing the shuttlecock . The details of how to do a blow with this forehand technique are as follows:

hold the racket by handling the forehand technique
the position of the right and left legs crosses over (right foot behind and left foot in front)
tilt your body to the right
hit the shuttlecock while moving your shoulders forward
let the hand move downwards
when you want to do a clear blow , hit the shuttlecock as hard as possible
3. Footwork

In the game of badminton there is one basic skill or basic skill that must be possessed, which is agility. A badminton player is required to be agile in moving, not only the hands that do the blow but also other limbs including foot movements. This is because in order to do and produce quality and at the same time deadly blows, between hands, body and legs, a harmonization must occur. Good cooperation between the members of the body is not only we need when carrying out attacks, but also to survive the opponent’s attack.

4. Body Attitude and Position

The basic technique of playing badminton attitude and body position refers to the concept of balance. Not only agility, balance is also an important element in the game of badminton. Simple things and sometimes underestimated by ordinary people. But for a professional badminton player, they understand very well how important this balance element is in the game. Real evidence of the importance of the balance element in the game of badminton can be seen in professional badminton competitions, both at the local, national and international levels. Often a badminton player is less than optimal or even fails to produce quality blows simply because their balance is not good.

The ways that must be done in order to have a good balance are as follows:

position the body resting on both the right and left legs (this applies when attacking or defending)
bend or bend your knees, then stand with your toes until your waist is in an upright position
the legs should be shoulder-width apart with one leg or one foot in front
one arm of the elbow that doesn’t hold the racket is on the side of the body, so that the other hand that holds the racket is free to move
5. Hitting Position
It is undeniable that in badminton sports games, not only how to hit but the position of the body when making a blow also greatly affects the quality of the shots produced. The details of body position when hitting the right one are as follows:

try to position the body sideways toward the net
left foot is in front of the right foot
body position is behind the shuttlecock
right shoulder slightly pulled back
when doing some punches, there must be a change in the position of the right shoulder and right foot

6. Service

In general, service techniques in badminton games are done by directing the shuttlecock to the right, left, front or back of the opposing player. The thing that must be avoided when doing service is the responsibility of the shuttlecock and is right in front of the opponent. This is tantamount to suicide because then the opponent will be able to easily restore service while killing our movements. In doing service in badminton sports games there are 3 types of techniques, which are as follows:
6.1 Forehand Service

Short Forehand
Short forehand service technique means doing service using only a little energy which results in the swing on the racket is not too strong. When performing service with this technique, the position of the shuttlecock will not be far from the net, and is in the front area of ​​the opposing player.

Forehand Height
High forehand technique uses full power when doing service. As a result, the position of the shuttlecock fall will be very far from the net. The high service forehand technique causes the movement of the shuttlecock to soar past the body of the opposing player and then fall in the area behind the opposing player. Usually when performing this type of service with a high forehand technique, players strengthen their body and standing a little more by opening their legs as wide as their legs and legs and sideways.

6.2 Backhand Service

The type of backhand service technique is slightly different from the two previous techniques. This backhand service technique is done by using moderate power and moderate swing (not too slow and not too strong). When performing backhand service the foot position must be adjusted to which hand is holding the racket. If the right hand is holding the racket then the right foot is in front, and the left foot is behind. Incorrect / Prohibited Service:
when hitting shuttlecock , the position of the racket head is higher or parallel to the handle of the racket
the position of the racket is higher than the waist
foot position above the mid line (front line of the game area itself)
left foot stepping
right foot steps when shuttlecock has not been hit
the movement of swinging a racket and hitting the shuttlecock done in a series of interrupted movements
service recipient moves when shuttlecock has not been hit by a player who performs service

Correct Service:

when hitting shuttlecock , the racket head must be lower (lower) than the racket handle position
when holding the shuttlecock , it must be positioned lower than the waist
left foot must be still (not step in the slightest)
feet can shift but still should not be lifted from the ground / floor
swing the racket and hit the shuttlecock must be done in a series of movements
the service recipient is only allowed to move when the shuttlecock has been hit by the player performing the service

7. Returns Service

Not only the procedure for doing service, service recovery techniques also need to be mastered in the game of badminton. This service return movement can be done in various ways namely drop shot and netting. The most avoided movement when returning a service is the smash movement. This is because the movement of the shuttlecock in the service movement is not too strong / sharp, so if we make a smash movement, the resulting smash is less / not sharp. And as a result the opposing player can easily return our smash, even in some cases it is the opposing player who will benefit from this because weak smashes will be rewarded with very sharp smashes. Until finally turn off the movement of our own game.

8. Overhead

In badminton sports games, overhead is done when the direction of the fall position of the shuttlecock leads to the back of our standing body position. Furthermore, this overhead is done by hitting the shutte cock as well as throwing, and the racket is held using the forehand technique.

9. Smash

In the game of badminton, smash is a movement technique that is attacking and aims to kill the opposing player’s movements. The best smash will be created if done with a high jump, because in that position we can get the perfect smash position. This smash is done with force and the shuttlecock is struck toward the bottom of the opponent’s area. Because it is done with full force, then the movement of the shuttlecock on the smash is very sharp.

10. Drop shot

Drop shot is a movement in badminton that is almost the same as the smash movement, or rather the gentle version of the smash movement. Drop shot movements are also attacking and aim to kill the opposing player’s movements. Unlike the smash movements that are done with full force, the drop shot is done with a soft touch or a little push. The target of shuttlecock fall when doing this drop shot is not far from the net.
This drop shot movement is often used to outwit opposing players, ie by jumping high as they will do a smash but in fact it is a drop shot movement whose shuttllecock falls not far from the net and moves smoothly (not sharp like a smash). Doing a drop shot has its own difficulties when compared to a smash. When making a drop shot there are several factors that are interrelated to one another and affect the success or failure of the drop shot.
Factors that influence the drop shot blow:

body position
racket grip
leg movements
weight transfer that moves in harmony
Steps to do the drop shot technique:

hold the racket using the forehand technique
body position sideways toward the shoulder
body movements must be agile until the body position is behind the shuttlecock
hit the racket with a straight hand position, then do the movements like smash but just give a little push and touch to the shuttlecock
point the shuttlecock to an empty position from the opponent player’s area (an area that is roughly inaccessible to the opposing player), either right, left or front

11. Netting

Netting is one of the difficult movements in badminton sports games. Even a player who is counted as a national and international class professional does not guarantee that he always succeeds in this netting technique. This is because the netting movement requires a high sense and the way and direction of placement of the ball that must be precise. The netting technique is done by making a soft blow to the shuttlecock then directing the fall position as close as possible to the net.
Thus our discussion this time about the Badminton Basic Technique and its Explanation. Hopefully this article is useful.

Angle of Attack
The badminton definition of the phrase ‘angle of attack’ refers to the trajectory of a shuttle after it leaves the racket.

The technique creates a steep angle of attack for the return pass so the downward stroke becomes sharp and fast. It is a key tactic used in attacking shots, such as drop shots and smashes and usually draws the opponent close to the net.

Angle of Return
Different ranges of possible returns from a given position on the court form various angles of return for the shuttle.

Note: Court geometry shows huge variances in the angle of return. For example, around 40 degrees when returning the shuttle from the back corners, to almost 180 degrees close to the net (front and center).

Around-the-head Shot
You should accept this as one of the advanced shots in badminton. A player would reach to the backhand side from around the head to make a forehand strike on the shuttle.

Note: Take care when making this shot. It can leave you off-balanced and vulnerable to a counter attack.

Attacking Clear
The term describes a positive, and somewhat aggressive, stroke. The aim is to hit the shot deep into the challenger’s court area.

In fact, attacking clear is a variation of the traditional clear shot (see below) achieved by driving the bird over the net with a flatter trajectory and with a hard stroke.




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